I have to admit that I am a little slow at caching up with all the new Web 2.0 features that have emerged during the past few years. However, now that I am paying more attention to the revolution, I am really amazed with what social bookmarks can do for my pages when it comes to getting indexed quicker by the search engines. Social bookmarks emerged in the context of allowing readers a centralized and global access to their favorite web material, but it has become more of a great tool for webmasters and SEO professionals than what it was intended for. Today, my fellow Webmasters and I all use social bookmark websites to accelerate search engine discovery-and indexing, and even to build link popularity.

In my personal experience, I have recently seen my articles indexed in a matter of 2 – 3 days, after observing the actual bookmark being indexed within 24 hours. This is when I came to the realization that social bookmarks are incredibly privileged when it comes to timely search engine crawling, and have been heavily implementing them since.

For all new Webmasters looking to exploit the benefits offered by Social Bookmarking or “tagging”, here is what I do after publishing my Web pages, articles and blogs:

  1. Give readers the ability to bookmark my Web page site easily
  2. Once I publish a page I then submit it to all Social Bookmark repositories I subscribe to (Furl, Digg, De.lici.ous, Reddit, NetVouz).
  3. Email my article to all my friends and ask them to bookmark it as well

Following best SEO practices will help your site be ranked accordingly. I would love others to add value to my post by posting their comments on this topic.

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