As many people look for easy ways to build traffic by applying black-hat seo practices, many seem to forget the importance of creating quality content. Who are we to fill the internet with garbage? creating adsense driven websites with nonsense content.

The truth is that the only stable and sticky way to produce targetted traffic (other than PPC) is by taking the time and the respect readers deserve of writing quality information. Traffic is the product of content, people and search engines want content for different reasons. As a case study, I wrote an interesting article about this topic. Here I discuss how a project I handled for a law firm turned into a 3-fold success with techniques targetted to build traffic in a short period of time.

The graph below shows how Google increased the crawling rate and indexed pages roughly within fifteen days of the articles being published and handled as we did. Read more here Writing For Traffic – Content For Visitors

 Google increasing crawling rate and indexing on our project

Google Chart

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